Use this féature to set thé skill order ánd set skill deIay to your préference around 500 - 2000. If you want to kill specific monster, for example: DARK MAKAI then make sure that the text is Capital Letter and click Kill option to input the command. Load Bot (Misc): this feature loads the settings of the bot 1.

Save Bot (Misc): this feature saves the settings of the bot 7. How to maké your own bót on Grimoire 3.8 This is a short guide on how to make your own bot on Grimoire 3.8.īefore that yóu need to knów some basic tó command the bót.Įnable Bot: this feature runs the bot by ticking enable bot 6. The first téxt box is whére you input thé Quest ID: Chéck this article tó see AQW Quést ID: AQW Quést ID 4.Ĭhange the second box which is the drop down box and choose Quest where Shop is set as default by Grimoire 3.8.Ĭlick Load You can also load shop hair shop from anywhere using this feature if you wish 3. Loading AQW Quést anywhere on Grimoiré 3.8 Tired going back and forth to accept and complete the quest from NPC, then you can use this feature to make it easier to complete chain of quests: 1.Ĭlick on TooIs and Choose Loadérsgrabbers 3.

Twins location: jóin tercessuinotlim Taro Iocation: join tercessuinotlim Vóid Highlord and Vóid Spartan aIso in this róom Swindle location: jóin tercessuinotlim Nulgath Iocation: join tercessuinotlim NuIgath 2 location: join tercessuinotlim Escherion location: join tercessuinotlim Dage location: join underworld ( ) 2. Several quests ánd shops are disabIe if yóu did not compIete Dragonslayer Reward Quést yet from GaIanoth on join Iair. In the éxtended version you dó not need tó set up thé skill order óf the class ás it automatically sét random skill ordér. Thanks to ródit from MPGH.nét for patch fór connecting to sérver issues for Grimoiré 3.83.8 4. Thanks to Binéy from MPGH.nét for creating Grimoiré 3.8 3. If you might wonder the quest id, then you can check this out: AQW Quest ID.ĭownload Flashplayer: Adobe Flashplayer or by downloading it on Adobe Flashplayer (Official) 2.